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Why Try New Dental Products & How To Decide

Why Try New Dental Products & How To Decide

New product launches from toothpaste to technology are plentiful as we are in the busy dental meeting season. Press releases, articles and promotional price points try to make it easy for us, but it can be overwhelming. Why try a new product when what’s working in your practice is just fine? How do you know if a product is worth a try and how do you make that decision?

A recent study shows that 75% of consumers like trying new products, and 70% say they will pay a little more for a new product. You might not think this would apply to anything dental. Yet, as consumers ourselves, it’s easy to see why new products could pique our interest.

Here are the 3 main reasons we try new products in dentistry:

  1. The quest to make our work easier and to make our patients more comfortable.
  2. The promise of a new product outperforming its predecessor – take fluoride varnish as an example: it’s effect on enamel outlasts the 4-minute gel or 1-minute foam.
  3. New product promotions may have a price point or an introductory promotion to smile about.

I know, it isn’t like trying a new phone or taking a new car for a test drive. But these materials or instruments should assist you in delivering care more safely, effectively, and efficiently, while also improving your bottom line. So then, how do you decide which product(s) to invest in?

Product decisions require a strategy. Ask your team what may be on their wish list and create “new product” criteria. Here are a couple of questions to consider when creating a product criteria funnel for you and your team:

  1. What facet in your practice, administrative, restorative, cosmetic or preventive would be more efficient, comfortable or relevant with the integration of this new product?
  2. On a scale of 1 – 5, how efficient would this product be, how comfortable would it be to use or for your patients and how relevant will this product be?

Don’t forget, it’s about adding value. New products could improve diagnostics, home care compliance, financial options, clinical practice, and administrative tasks. Embrace your curiosity, get your product strategy developed, and invest in new products that will benefit you, your staff, and your patients!

Anastasia L. Turchetta, RDH
America’s Dental Hygienist

Reference: http://www.cspnet.com/category-news/general-merchandise/articles/why-consumers-trying-new-products

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